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Meet Maíra

Independent Authentic Traditional Birth Attendant in its roots - With Woman

 in the Wise Woman Tradition

and INNATE Traditions Postpartum Care Practitioner & Healer

            "Peace on Earth begins with Birth"
Jeanine Parvati Baker, the mother of BirthKeepers
Brief Bio

I am a mother of 4 children, whose very existence and births have changed and transformed the way I see myself and the world we live in, finding my voice and my inner strength as a woman and a mother. I have had 2 vaginal births in a hospital setting in two different countries which taught me that I wanted to give birth differently. That is why I chose to give birth at home the third and fourth times. I chose to be supported by a midwife and a doula. Those were the times I experienced in my body what giving birth in my power and on my terms felt like: so right and perfect! 


(You can listen to my birth stories on both these podcasts - enjoy:

For me, birth is natural, and women innately know how to give birth. Sometimes, we just need to remind ourselves, or be gently reminded of our own POWER. I believe birth is NOT a medical event. It belongs in the family. It is a physiological, spiritual and transformational process.


I have heard my calling to serve and walk with women as an independent midwife. I was trained and educated in the Wise Woman Tradition with the Indie Birth Midwifery School.  I currently provide services as a Traditional Birth Attendant and as a Certified Innate Traditions Postpartum Care Practitioner. My practices are rooted in the world's healing practices for the female body. I believe that we are on this planet to thrive. I offer my experience, knowledge, wisdom and loving presence to families in the Los Angeles area and surroundings in Southern California.

I like to think of myself as a Radical BirthKeeper, one who is dedicated to support and walk with women who want to take charge and responsibility for their pregnancy, birth and postpartum experience. I believe in autonomy, freedom and being true to oneself. I serve women with an open heart and deep respect for them, their story and their families.

I have served women in their childbearing since 2015 as a Birth Doula and a Yoga Teacher mainly in Malaysia, but also in Brazil, where I was born. I believe in every woman's ability to generate life, give birth, nurture and nourish our offspring. I have taught Independent Holistic Childbirth Classes that focus on connecting to our inner wisdom and on our labor blueprint for giving birth, working with breath awareness, mindfulness, yoga, dance, labor and birth physiology and birth art. I truly believe we give birth from within.

I believe we live in a time of collective remembrance and that the full cycle of generating human life on Earth in the most conscious, loving and respectful way is one of the most important ingredients to create a more peaceful and joyful human experience.

I speak English, Portuguese and French and am able to provide support in all those languages. Would you like to learn if we are a good match? Then book an initial consultation with me!

Continuous Training, Education and Experience
  • Accompanied, and translated Dr David Hayes with Breech Without Borders in Brasília and Juquitiba, Brazil, December 2024

  • Completed in-person 6-day immersion/retreat Foundational Concepts for Midwives with Sarita Bennett and Rowan Bailey, September 2024

  • Completed Breech-Pro online with Breech Without Borders and the hands-on training plus the advanced portion in Los Angeles, January 2024

  • Completed Holistic Pelvic Care with Tamy Linn Kent online and in-person, October 2023, Los Angeles

  • Ongoing member of Dr. Rachel Reed's Reclaiming Childbirth Collective (learn about her work here)

  • Hands-on training with Nicole Morales, CPM, Spinning Babies - Shoulder Dystocia and Breech Basics, San Diego, CA, May 2022

  • Completed the Foundational and Advanced Years at the Indie Birth Midwifery School (you can learn about their program here) - January 2022

  • Breech Without Borders - completed the online and hands-on workshop - Los Angeles, CA, November 2021

  • NRP certified with Karen Strange - Integrative Resuscitation of the Newborn - Los Angeles, CA, April 2021

  • Accredited EmbodyBirth™ and BellydanceBirth® teacher with Maha Al Musa (visit her website here)

  • Certified INNATE Traditions Postpartum Care Practitioner with Rachelle Garcia Seliga, CPM (Visit her website here)

  • Attended the online midwifery course The Art of Birth with CPM Naoli VInaver (to learn more about it go here)

  • Studied and worked as a midwife apprentice and student for more than a year in clinical and home birth OB in Los Angeles CA, as well as with other local midwives

  • Attended and completed the Indie Birth Midwifery Skills Workshop in person - Sedona, AZ, January 2020

  • Postpartum Doula (MotherWarming) training with Nicola Goodall, BirthKeeper - Los Angeles, CA, October 2019

  • Completion of the Science of the Beginning of Life (CIV - Ciência do Início da Vida) course with Dr. Eleanor Luzes - here's her website

  • Eat Pray Doula in-person doula training with CPM Ibu Robin Lim and Debra Pascali-Bonaro in Bali, March 2017

  • Doula course and certification with New Beginnings Doula Training

  • 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training with Shilpa Gatalia in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Oct-Nov 2016



I am Air

Unapologetic trailblazer

Communicator of the first and the last breath


I am Fire

Burning away the old, whatever doesn't serve anymore

Passionately creating the new


I am Water

Wild Wise Healer

The Ocean, from where all life begins


I am Earth

Grounded Nurturing Presence

Rooted into the depths of Mother Gaia


I am Spirit

Never severed from Creator

Unconditional LOVE

ONE with ALL




I am the dreams of my ancestors

Who have once walked on this planet


I am a healing vessel for their sorrows

Transforming and Upgrading


I am the timeless Universe

Sun and Moon

Earth and Sky and the Stars


I am Mother Divine working through me

Back to the very first woman who ever gave birth


I am a Holder of Life and Death

A Midwife from Womb to Tomb




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